20th December

Walking, Interrupted


I dunno about you, but I love walking. For 25 years now, I've begun each day by walking up through the fields above my house to my favourite prayer spot, where I can look out over the landscape and get some perspective on everything that's going on for me.

But 10 years ago, my walking was disrupted. When I was stopped in my tracks by stage four breast cancer, the prognosis wasn't good.

And as my treatment progressed, I became so ill that I could barely walk around the house, never mind up over the fields to my prayer spot.

I've always been very action-oriented person, always on the go. But I was suddenly brought to a standstill. And for the first time, I really took the time to look back over my life and then saw clearly how God had always been there with me walking beside me, guiding me, holding me up when I stumbled.

The fact that I'm talking to you now is a bit of a spoiler, isn't it? And as you can see, through God's grace, against all odds, I survived.

And outta that period came my memoir, Sea Changed, which tells the story of my journey of faith and healing, which has inspired and encouraged many.

We all spend too much of our time in constant motion, allowing the busyness of life to drown out God's voice. And it shouldn't take a cancer diagnosis for us to be still and to know that he's God.

So this Christmas, let's take the opportunity to pause, to look back at what God has done for us over the past year and to wonder anew at the birth of Jesus Christ, God incarnate, who walked the earth for us.


21st December


19th December