Interview with Marion Osgood
Marion Osgood is the archivist for OMF International (UK). With a background in nursing and church ministry, she has travelled widely, particularly within the developing world.
Interview with Ruth Rice
Ruth Rice is Director of Renew Wellbeing, a charity which runs simple café style spaces attached to a quiet room where inner habits of wellbeing are shared. Ruth longs for every church to find ways to bring God’s peace onto the high street and open spaces for all to attend to their wellbeing.
Interview with Tania Harris
In her new book God Dreams, global director of God Conversations Rev Dr Tania Harris unpacks the mysterious world of dreams and visions and shows how God is a masterful communicator and why a picture truly can paint a thousand words.
Interview with Andrew Stewart-Darling
In his new book, Andrew Stewart-Darling combines personal stories with biblical teaching and prayers to encourage us to see interruptions as an invitation from God to draw us closer to him. Life, Interrupted helps us become more alert to nudges from the Holy Spirit in our daily lives and be better prepared for life’s next curveball.
Interview with Richard Littledale,
In his new book, In Step with God, Richard Littledale encourages you to put on your walking boots and join him on 101 devotional ‘walks’ through the Bible.
Interview with Anne Le Tissier
It was while travelling solo on a “round the world ticket” in my early twenties, including a six-month Discipleship Training Course with YWAM in New Zealand and India, that God lit the kindling of a dream to write devotional material.
Interview with Richard Porter
I wrote this book to help us all keep bold faith alive and active day by day. To exit our doors each morning with childlike expectancy and the joyous excitement of walking with Jesus, being fully alive in all our encounters and experiences.
Interview with Brian Harris
In his new book Stirrers and Saints, Brian Harris offers a timely appeal for Christians of all personality types to answer God’s call to be leaders in the church, stirring things up and providing ‘saintly’ leadership.
Interview with Nigel Adams
In his new book Communities of Hope, Nigel Adams traces the story of his own experience of how working with a Nottingham foodbank offers such an inclusive welcome to all that it has grown into a community of hope.
Interview with Austen Hardwick
There are many reasons behind this book, but above all I wanted to share my experience of an ever present God, which for me has been deepened both through suffering and my enjoyment of running.
Interview with Bishop Matthew Porter
Matthew Porter is passionate about developing discipleship habits in our lives that transform us, and by extension, those around us. In the first of two books in the new The Art of series, Matthew unpacks how practising the art of giving and journalling brings us closer to God in an accessible and practical way.
Interview with Lynda Wake
Slipping into despair after her beloved teenage daughter Bethany died of brain cancer, Lynda Wake cried out to God for help. As she accepted Jesus’ invitation to journey with him through the grief and sorrow, she was able to experience how to wait well with Jesus for the glorious fulfilment of all he has promised. Waiting Well With Jesus is the resource Lynda wished she had in her deepest grief.