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Renewable Wellbeing outlines the five ways of wellbeing as modelled in Jesus and offers a manifesto of change to help create simpler and more sustainable ways of being church in a world that desperately needs peace and hope.

Our resources to support wellbeing aren’t just about the spiritual; they bring together all aspects of what God made us to be, including our physical, emotional, and faith-filled lives as we navigate life and faith.

Say Goodbye to Anxiety

  • In Say Goodbye to Anxiety, Elle Limebear and Jane Kirby help you find real, lasting freedom from anxiety.

    If you are one of the 301 million people that live with anxiety every day then this book is for you.

A-Z of Wellbeing

  • A-Z of Wellbeing is an accessible introduction to help you attend to your own wellbeing and live out your own alphabet of peace. It presents twenty-six words of wellness to help you discover new practices, connect with God, and share wellbeing with others.

Slow Down, Show Up & Pray

  • Ruth Rice shares the story of the Renew Wellbeing charity, and offers practical resources to maintain our own mental health and support those around us.

Ruth Rice

I am Ruth Rice, Director of Renew Wellbeing, a national and international charity helping churches set up wellbeing spaces and author of several titles about faith and mental health. Coming out of my own journey with mental ill health I set up a wellbeing centre here in Nottingham UK in 2015. This has gone on to multiply over 280 times and the story of this movement and the manual to set up your own centre can be found in "Slow Down, Show Up and Pray". The second book is also about wellbeing and outlines 26 ways to wellbeing from my own life and the story of the charity. This latest title "Renewable Wellbeing" invites you to explore five culture shifts towards a gentler way to be Christian, to be church, in a world where mental health is in crisis. This book follows a Jesus way to wellbeing through John's gospel.

I am obsessed with wellbeing, what it means, what it looks like and how we can all share habits in our daily lives. But I am also captivated by the person of Jesus and the gospel of shalom that I think is for everyone. Being prayerful, being present and being in partnership are key here. Hope you enjoy the books. You can find me on facebook or instagram via our website

Coming Soon

The A-Z of Wellbeing for Children provides an alphabet of wellbeing words, thoughts and activities to help children aged 7 - 11 improve and maintain their mental health.

Renewable Ramblings

Ruth takes us through some of the subjects covered in her book Renewable Wellbeing.

Exclusive eBook

5 Ways To Inner Wellbeing

Prayerful Habits to Help you Stay Peaceful

  • A simple guide to help improve and maintain your wellbeing.

    We all know that maintaining our mental health is becoming increasingly important as our lives are under so many stresses and strains, but we don't always know how to practically do that.

    Ruth Rice shares simple steps that we can use to build new habits into our daily lives. Based on the five ways of wellbeing (connect, keep learning, get active, take notice and give), Ruth provides a biblical and prayerful framework to help us see that God is interested in our whole being: mind, body and soul.

    Discover simple and sustainable inner ways to wellbeing.