22nd December

Weekend, Interrupted

I wonder if you have had loads of plans for your weekend and then something happens and it all has to change.

Weekends were supposed to be a time for pause and rest. Sabbath was something God showed us by creating for 6 days and resting for one. If God rested then I’m sure I can too. When we are making our Christmas’s happen could we interrupt ourselves and carve out a little bit of sabbath, a rest.

Mary and Joseph certainly had their plans interrupted that first Christmas .I’m not sure if it was a weekend but sometimes we also find ourselves with enforced and unexpected interruptions.

Maybe we could embrace the pause. I had to when I suffered burn out a number of years ago. I wore myself out by forgetting that there is a God and it isn’t me.

In our much busyness this season could you make time to rest? Interrupt your own weekend if you dare and fund God’s peace in the pause.


23rd December


21st December