11th December
Driving, Interrupted
I hate waiting in queues! Do you? I will go a much longer route in the car not to have to wait. I have challenged myself recently to sometimes choose the queue and switch off the radio, listen to my inner dialogue and invite God into it.
There is a Hebrew word, Qavah, that means waiting. It also is the same word for a spider spinning a web. There can be active waiting, good waiting. Waiting can build inner muscle and enable us to be ready to catch the goodness of God and hear His whisper.
I am not saying I will often choose a queue but I am going to attempt to use the queue I find myself in to listen and invite God to be present with me, to teach me to wait on Him so that strength will rise.
Christmas teaches us that God himself chose the waiting. He came not as an adult human ready for action but a tiny scrap of life who would need to grow and change. He chose waiting. The journey to the cross was interrupted by ordinary days. Even for the King of Kings.